Stop masturbating?
“But why the hell, asshole?” »Said the nice boy at the back of the room.
Simple answer:
Masturbation kills seduction.
Today, I am not going to present you a seduction article, but rather a sex education article. Now, I’m not going to talk about dirty positions, I’m not going to talk about brands of condoms, and I’m not going to show you how to have sex (Or draw you a picture.)
I want to tell you about a plague that is, for me, one of the dangerous habits that can affect a man: masturbation.
Stop masturbation, why?
You see, and I’ll start by breaking the ice right now, to let you know clearly and simply that everyone has masturbated once in their life. Everyone is doing it and everyone will continue to do it. And this is precisely where the danger of masturbation comes in.
Masturbating when you are 14 is quite normal, and even a lot of times. At this age, we discover our sexuality, we test our machine, we explore our body. Nothing serious.
But if you’re over 22, and you keep masturbating in the shower, fantasizing about your neighbor, then let me tell you, there’s something wrong with you.
Masturbation can drastically destroy your life, and I’m serious. When you jerk off regularly, you can quickly become addicted. And unfortunately, it ends up translating into a daily need.
I have had friends who jerk off to make masturbation a “hobby”. When the guy has nothing to give a fuck, he takes a shower, a little oil, and presto, there he is in 7th heaven (actually, no, in 7th hell).
Day after day, a man risks repeating the same process, not out of sexual desire and appetite, but by pure natural reflex. When you wake up, you brush your teeth (well I hope) and you never feel like it’s a complicated gesture. It’s just natural to brush your teeth every morning.
You get used to it.
The same goes for masturbation. If you masturbate every day, you will ADOPT this act in your daily life, next to drinking water, eating bread, going to work, to school, facebook, msn etc …
And you will, therefore, become a lazy, pouting, completely deserted person. The galley, if not, the great misery.
Seduction goes hand in hand with practicality, and when you’re lazy and lazy, you can’t give a damn about your life (sorry for the term, but I’m so emotional).
In fact, it is very simple…
When you practice obsessive masturbation, you KILL all of your sexual urges which can help motivate you to work on projects that are important to you. And I’m not even talking about seducing women.
How to avoid this “disaster”?
By systematically stopping doing it. Of course.
But, if you are already a super addict, I advise you to do it, at worst: once a week. Don’t jerk off like crazy, like a soldier !! Set a specific day when you are going to allow yourself the luxury of getting off on your feet, I was going to say, fair. And not like some fucking sex addict.
But beware !
This is JUST for the start! To heal you! While waiting for that famous day, you MUST go out and date, whatever (ideally girls of course). If you can break away from this bad habit, you will achieve a great victory. You are about to take a big step forward in your career as an apprentice seducer.
Women are not monsters. You only have to approach them to notice how innocent and adorable they are. If you are having trouble approaching women, head to the “boarding” category, you will find at least 20 articles to help you get started.
When you go to abstain (from masturbation!) Especially if you are a champion in this activity, you will feel a great urge and develop a sexual appetite, two elements which, naturally, should help motivate you to approach girls and seek to fuck them. (Believe me, it is very effective)
Keep this advice in mind: DO NOT go out to seduce, but go out for PLEASURE.
Of course, you are not going to fuck when approaching a girl. Too good to be true. But still try to keep yourself busy during the week, to prevent yourself from taking a shower with the “masturbation” option included. If you go out dating women, with a little practice, coupled with a little success, you will easily land dates, therefore, you will fill your calendar.
So instead of the shower / masturbation package, you are going to opt for the date / seduction package. You will be able to occupy your mind, and your hand will not go on a romantic date with your penis
And this, for your greatest happiness!
Important note
I don’t want you to take this article religiously, literally, stupidly.
The message I’m trying to get to you is to take charge of your life. And to do so, you can start here. This is a program that I put together for free for my readers, and as you will see, to get started you need to limit masturbation to once a week.
8 Scientific Facts You Didn’t Know About Masturbation
1.) The majority of men and women masturbate. However, men are more likely to have done so and tend to do so more often than women.
2.) If we take into consideration people who have more or less normal testosterone levels, scientific research has shown that higher testosterone levels are linked to having more desire for masturbation, but only in women . In men, testosterone levels are unrelated to the desire for masturbation. This suggests that the factors triggering interest in masturbation may be completely different for men and women.
3.) People of all ages masturbate. Young people are more likely to admit it, but they are certainly not the only ones practicing “self-stimulation”.
4.) People of all sexual orientations masturbate, too, including asexual people. In fact, scientific studies of self-identified asexuals have shown that most of them report masturbating; however, the nature of their masturbation can be very different from that of sexual people (for example, some asexuals practice undirected masturbation, which means masturbation without erotic fantasies).
5.) Vibrators have been used frequently by women during masturbation and have been for a long time. In fact, the vibrator was supposed to be the 5th electrical device approved for home use after the sewing machine, fan, kettle, and toaster. In other words, people had vibrators in their homes long before televisions and vacuum cleaners.
6.) Vibrators aren’t just for women. A national survey in the United States found that 16.6% of men had ever used a vibrator to masturbate. This survey also revealed that men who use vibrator masturbators have better erectile function, intense sexual desire, and a more satisfying sex life in general.
7.) A survey found that clitoral stimulation (unlike vaginal penetration) is the preferred masturbation technique for most women.
8.) Frequent masturbation could be beneficial for your health. Research has shown that in men masturbating and having an orgasm is often the result of a better functioning of the immune system. Who would have thought of that eh?
Now this is what I want YOU to do …
In the first place, if you recognize yourself in the guy who masturbates as he breathes. Stop immediately. Or you know what? Masturbate tonight, for the last good time, and set a distant date to do it again. Obviously, if you can stop altogether, I would be very grateful.
Second, I would like you to share this article. What I have just written is very important to me. I know that many young men (and even tall young men) are victims of this scourge. Use your facebook, twitter, and emails to get the message across, don’t disappoint me. And then, don’t be shy, don’t be afraid to post such an article on your facebook page. You must, on the other hand, be proud of it (a seducer does not know shyness).
And finally, I would like you to tell me what you think of the subject. Then again, I risk repeating myself, don’t be shy. Optional, and if you’re brave enough, tell me when was the last time you masturbated. And don’t tell me two years ago, I won’t believe you
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Sources : Seduction By Kamal